10 Easy Ways to Exercise Your Brain on a Daily Basis
Drive a new route home
Puzzles: Crosswords, Scrabble, and more!
Learn a musical instrument
Play a new sport or start a new hobby
Cook a new cuisine
Switch hands when doing everyday tasks
Memorize phone numbers
Vary aspects of your surroundings
Visualize what you want to remember
Sleep on it
There are a ton of ways to improve your memory and keep your brain active, however, for seniors it is best to include real-world activities. According to American Orthopedics, “Those people who perform regular, targeted brain exercises keep their brains sharp and healthy, which reduces cognitive decline and memory impairment.”
Why should you switch up your route on your way home?
It forces you to involve more senses which keeps your brain alert instead of going into autopilot on your way home from familiar locations. Just make sure you have a full phone battery in case you get lost.
How do puzzles help the brain?
It seems simple but it is an easy and fun way to stimulate the brain and increase memory.
Why should I learn a new musical instrument at my age?
Learning something new over a long period of time is beneficial for your brain and keeping it challenged on a regular basis with something complex.
How will a new sport or hobby help?
Engaging your mind and body even if it is low impact like yoga, golf or tennis will help improve your physical and mental agility. Crafting is important for fine-motor skills and boosts your overall brainpower. Doesn’t matter what craft or hobby, just do whatever makes you happy.
Cooking a new meal will help my brain?
Yes, it stimulates different parts of your brain and a variety of senses including smell, sight, and taste.
Switch hands?
Yep! If you are right handed, try doing simple tasks like brushing your teeth, eating, and more with your left hand. It challenges your fine-motor skills.
My phone has all of the numbers I need, why memorize their phone numbers?
It helps strengthen connections between your brain cells and will come in handy if your phone dies. It is also just a great personal challenge and a way to exercise your brain.
What do you mean by vary aspects of your surroundings?
It can be as simple as playing music in the background while you do something, standing instead of sitting while reading the newspaper, or sitting outside instead of inside while you enjoy your cup of coffee. This will help increase recall. There is a theory “that the brain associates words (or what you are doing) to the context or environment around you. The more contextual cues you provide your brain, the more it has to draw upon when trying to remember specific things.” – American Orthopedics.
How do I visualize something I can’t remember?
One example is you are going to the grocery store and don’t want to forget the 3 key items you need most. Try visualizing the egg balancing on your nose, the gallon of milk on your hand, and the flour on your knee while you are standing on one leg. This is a goofy image and now it will be harder to forget then just a simple list of eggs, milk and flour.
What does sleeping have to do with my memory?
Who knew sleeping could exercise your brain! “The brain needs 6-8 hours of sleep each night to complete the necessary chemical changes needed to integrate new skills and information into long-term memory.” – American Orthopedics
If you have a loved one who could benefit from Memory Care, give Beverly Robinson a call at 386-847-3022.