Over the holidays, families come together and spend quality time together to celebrate! You may notice that a family member may have some cognitive changes including dementia. If you are unsure how to overcome these new communication challenges, don’t worry we have some helpful tips for you: 

When loved ones have dementia it is best to talk to them in a quiet room with fewer distractions and pressures. It is also important to maintain eye contact during the conversation and remember that your body language is just as important as your words. 

When speaking with someone who has dementia, how you say it is very important. 

  1. Talk slowly and use simple words. 
  2. Allow adequate time for the person to process and respond. 
  3. Don’t be wordy, be brief and to the point so they don’t get distracted or confused.
  4. Refer to people & objects by their names so there is no misunderstanding.
  5. Yes or No questions are best. 

They are not trying to be difficult and it is not their fault for these new communication issues so just be patient and understanding. 

If they start becoming confused about the details of your story, just go along with it and try to avoid correcting them. 

Taking the time to have meaningful conversations with your loved ones is important for individuals with dementia. You can try pulling out an old photo album, sing a holiday song, or simply talk about old memories. Also, try not to quiz them about names & relationships. Keeping it upbeat and understanding is key.