At Alba Court Residences, we are making sure every precaution is taken to keep our residents safe. We encourage everyone to wear masks at all times and to social distance as much as possible.


Yes, everyone in the building will be asked to wear a mask and to social distance as much as possible.

We strongly encourage our residents to be vaccinated.

Yes, it is important to Alba Court Residences that our staff members are vaccinated.

Yes, every person that enters the building will need to fill out a survey and have their temperature checked. We also request all visitors to be tested for COVID-19 every two weeks. Our staff members are required to be tested each week.

Our activities will continue as planned, but residents will be spaced out and have their own sanitized items for each activity. Prior to activities, we encourage residents to wash their hands and require masks in the activity room. Field trips are cancelled until further notice.

Yes, we have sanitizer stations in the building.

Each resident can select 5 POD (family members) that will be allowed to come in after being screened and they will need to go directly to the resident’s room, eliminating contact with other residents. If the resident is in a shared room, we will have a designated location to socialize with your loved ones.

Yes. However, we ask for them to quarantine for 72 hours and take a COVID-19 test before socializing with others in the building.

Staff members are tested once each week.

Masks will be required in the rooms if there is any concern or they venture off premises. If they are showing symptoms or test positive, we will temporarily separate them to keep everyone safe.

Any close contacts who may have been around them will be tested and their living floor will quarantine. Staff members will be sent home for two week if they test positive.


We strongly encourage our residents and attendees to be vaccinated.

Yes, staff will be vaccinated once we open and receive the vaccines from the state.

Yes, every person that enters the building will need to fill out the survey, and have temperature checked. We will also request all attendees & staff to have COVID-19 tests done every two weeks.

We will still have activities, everyone will be spaced out and have their own sanitized items for each activity. Masks will also be required. Prior to any and all activity we will encourage residents to wash their hands. Field trips will be cancelled until further notice.

Yes, we have sanitizer stations in the building.

Visitation Policy

As enacted by the state of Florida, the “No Patient Left Alone Act” will be effective as a law on May 6, 2022. (The “Community”) shall implement the following visitation procedures including protocols surrounding essential caregivers (EC), in-person visitation and infection control procedures during visitation.


1. Essential caregivers to visit the Community
2. In-person visitation options to the Community
3. Infection control procedures during visitation to the Community

– A resident may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian or individual as an essential caregiver.
– The Community does designate a maximum of 6hours for visitation. Essential caregivers receive 2 extra hours of visitation in accordance with Florida Statute.
– The EC is not required to provide necessary care to a resident during any visit


– The Community will allow unrestricted in-person visitation, up to 6 visitors at a time, unless the resident objects. The number of visitors can meet or exceed license specific criteria capacity
– Regular visitation of friends, family or loved ones with the resident per Community visitation timeframes of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in accordance with Florida Statutes §400.022(1)(b) and §429.28(1)(d). The Community does designate a maximum of 6hours for visitation.

– Consensual physical contact between a resident and visitor is permitted.
– Visitation may take place indoors or outside.

– The Community will provide infection prevention and control education to visitors including proper PPE use (Donning and Doffing), and hand hygiene
– The Community will provide a copy of the Policy and Procedure document to every visitor and request their signature as an acknowledgment of the Community’s rules for visiting.
– The Executive Director and Receptionist are designated to support infection control training which includes but not limited too: 

The Community will maintain a visitor log for all visitors.

Visitors are encouraged to wear surgical masks during visits in common areas and are encouraged to wear masks while visiting residents privately in apartments.

– Healthcare providers serving residents in the Community must comply with CDC requirements for PPE, must be screened prior to entry, and must comply with all infection control requirements.

– The Community will not require visitors to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization as a condition of visiting the resident.

The Executive Director will be responsible for ensuring that the community and staff adhere to this Visitation Policy and Procedure.

If you have any questions about this policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your General Manager at the community and we are happy to help. See also reporting any related complaints to the Agency for Health Care Administration at: